This is not an exhaustive list but I have included a number of sites and some description of each. This is what started it for me. It has recipes listed and is a source of WFPB prepared meals, delivered to your door, and has many other resources. PlantPure Nation is a site that developed out of the Documentary PlantPure Nation. The film answers the question, “Why haven’t I heard about plant-based eating before?” And the answer lies in the political and economic forces which support the industries for the standard American diet. This site provides access to the film, but also presents programs to help people switch to plant based eating, particularly by purchasing fully prepared meals which are delivered to your door. Their costs are quite reasonable ($6.89/meal, 20 meals for $137.80). The site also describes a grass-roots movement to develop “pods” of people who have in common the desire to move to the WFPB lifestyle. They describe themselves as offering whole food plant based meals, delivered to your door. They can be contacted at or 330-232-2209. Lindsay Nixon, author of the many Happy Herbivore cookbooks has her own site offering prepared food you can buy, and even get a free sample to see how you like it. These people offer prepared foods, delivered to you. The foods are unprocessed, but may have some oil, and unfortunately they have meat options. But it is a way to have much more whole plant food within your meals, and probably the cooking is good, although I do not know, personally. They are local to this region (Philadelphia and suburbs). Dr. Ana M. Negrón is a physician right in this area of the Western Main Line and she has been promoting healthy plant based nutrition for years in the treatment of disease and promotion of health. She addresses how to keep the costs low as well as nutrition high. This is the site for the T. Colin Campbell Foundation which gives access to training and certification in plant-based nutrition and other information on recipes and links to other resources. and also the following site: Dean Ornish MD has been studying and writing about lifestyle medicine for years and has his own program to help change nutrition and other aspects of lifestyle. He has extensive evidence on the value of the approach and has programs that are covered by health insurance in many cases. His nutritional guidelines are somewhat more liberal than that of Esselstyn or the Campbells, but the core concepts and recommendations are the same. An approved program of his is in Flemington New Jersey and another is in Lewes Delaware. His site includes recipes, whole menus, and cooking demonstrations. One of the stalwarts and founders of the plant based lifestyle, Dr. McDougall has his own website with recipes and very useful information on health. The website includes information on treatment with him and training. He also has his own lines of soups and cereals which are useful in a pinch. and Rip Esselstyn describes his Engine2 28 day challenge, gives recipes and various ways and reasons to become plant strong. It goes along with his book and is very useful. But he also offers the opportunity for retreats. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine also advocates for the plant based lifestyle, and they have their own website and guide for a 21 day transition. It is to a vegan approach, so some recipes include added oil (which could simply be omitted), but their recipes in general are very close to WFPB. The Kaiser Permanente foundation has published its own booklet on transitioning to plant based eating. It exists as a pdf file at that location. Whole Foods Markets offer their own take for a 28 day challenge to eat WFPB. They give you a set of different sorts of meal plans and recipes to follow depending on what you like. Jeff Novick, a nutritionist, has a number of very helpful demonstrations of fast and healthy plant-based meals. This site, from Dr. Esselstyn, focuses particularly on preventing and reversing heart disease: As his site says, Dr. Gregor scours the world’s research literature to summarize research on the relation between food and health. He reads the journals so you don’t have to. This is someone who is dedicated to the science and not to dogma. He is a joy to watch and to read which I do daily. And I contribute money to the site and recommend everyone do it to support a great public service. He has presentations seemingly on everything related to nutrition and health. Much is also covered in his book, How Not To Die. This website sells ingredients and instructions for mostly WFPB foods, but they have added oil which ought to be avoided. If you want to make the adjustments, they might be a good source of partly prepared foods. They are organic foods. So you do the cooking, they’ve done most of the preparation. These people purport to tell you how to get started on a plant-based diet. I have not checked it out completely, but it looks helpful. This site presents a number of WFPB recipes and seems very well done. Happy Cow, the Healthy Eating Guide is a website to find restaurants that are plant based, worldwide. Another source for health care treatment and information is at TrueNorth Health Center, located in California. It has Dr. Doug Lisle as Director of Research and emphasizes nutrition in treatment of many diseases. For a physician in the Philadelphia area contact Dr. Ana Negrón at This site presents a variety of information on nutrition and health.
I have listed the plant-based cookbooks I know of and use. There may be others. Websites like Forks Over Knives, PlantPure Nation, and the Campbell site at Nutrition Studies all include recipes. There are others as well, so this is not an exhaustive list.
D. Burton, Plant-Powered Families: Over 100 Kid-Tested, Whole-Foods Vegan Recipes. BenBella Books, 2015.
D. Bussone, Time For Change: Whole Foods For Whole Health! Danrich Publishing, 2015.
K. Campbell, The PlantPure Nation Cookbook: The Official Companion to the Breakthrough Film. BenBella Books, 2015.
L. Campbell, The China Study Cookbook. BenBella Books, 2013.
L. Campbell, The China Study: All-Star Collection. BenBella Books, 2014.
T. Campbell, The Campbell Plan. Rodale Press, 2015.
C. Esselstyn and J. Esselstyn, The Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook. Penguin (Avery), 2014.
C. Esselstyn, Jr., Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure. Penguin (Avery), 2007.
R. Esselstyn, My Beef With Meat: The Healthiest Argument for Eating a Plant-Strong Diet. Grand Central Life and Style (Hachette), 2013.
R. Esselstyn, The Engine 2 Diet: The Texas Firefighter’s 28-Day Save-Your-Life Plan That Lowers Cholesterol and Burns Away the Pounds. Wellness Central, 2009.
J. McDougall and M. McDougall, The McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook. Dutton, 1997.
J, McDougall and M. McDougall, The Starch Solution. Rodale Press, 2012.
L. Muelrath, The Plant-Based Journey: A Step-by-Step Guide for Transitioning to a Healthy Lifestyle and Achieving our Ideal Weight. BenBella Books, 2015.
S. Nixon, The Happy Herbivore. BenBella Books, 2011.
S. Nixon, Everyday Happy Herbivore. BenBella Books, 2011.
S. Nixon, Happy Herbivore Abroad. BenBella Books, 2012.
D. Ornish, Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program For Reversing Heart Disease. Ivy Books (Random House) 1996.
D. Ornish, The Spectrum: A Scientifically Proven Program to Feel Better, Live Longer, Lose Weight, Gain Health. Ballantine Books, 2007.
A. Pulde and M. Lederman, The Forks Over Knives Plan: A 4-Week Meal-By-Meal Makeover. Touchstone Books, 2014.
A. Silverstone, The Kind Diet. Rodale Press, 2009. As with other vegan-inspired books, she includes oil in some of her recipes. Usually one can just omit the oil. Nonetheless she includes a good deal of accurate information on diet and health and has a number of interesting recipes.
D. Sroufe, Forks Over Knives: The Cookbook. The Experiment Publishing, 2012.
D. Sroufe, The China Study Quick & Easy Cookbook. BenBella Books, 2015.
G. Stone (Editor), Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health, The how-to companion to the feature documentary Forks Over Knives. The Experiment Publishing Co., 2011.
P. Timberlake and L. Freedman, The Great Life Cookbook: Whole-Food, Vegan, Gluten-Free Meals for Large Gatherings. Coddington Valley Publishing, 2012.